September 2017: I vividly recall the deep breath I took upon reading the text message sent from a friend. The written content made my eyes fill with tears coupled with a lump in my throat. She asked if we wanted to help co-foster five-week old kittens during her brief travels to Florida. It was just five short weeks prior that we had to move along our beautiful twenty-year old cat, Nocella. Kristina knew we were still mourning the loss of our dear friend and family member, so she thought two spunky kittens would help brighten our spirits. I asked my husband his thoughts about this option as Kristina and I discussed further details over the phone. Nocella was his heart cat, and I came into her home by marriage.
Beautiful Nocella | Photo credit: Erica Barraca
“Sure.” he said. “But can we only watch them for a few days? I’m just not ready for another cat right now.”
Skip back to October 2015. As I returned home from work at 9:00 pm I found our other senior cat, Willow, asleep in my closet atop warm boots. My immediate observation of her behavior was that something was wrong based on her labored, open-mouth breathing. The emergency veterinary clinic instructed that we rush her in immediately. Four long hours later, we ended up in the surreal place of holding my heart cat in my arms while a caring veterinarian humanely euthanized her due to heart failure.
“She’s no longer in pain.” said the veterinarian.
“But I am.” I choked while sobbing over my dear Willow.
What just happened? How can I go back into our home without her? Willow had been in my life since I adopted her in August of 1999 and held a most special place deep in my heart. Cats make for dear friends and I simply wasn’t ready to be without her.
Sweet Willow singing
We thoughtfully decided that Nocella should live her senior years as the solo cat in her home. She was our queen, and we didn’t want a younger cat’s presence to cause Nocella undo stress. So here we are. About to welcome two foster kittens into our home with our seven-year old Rhodesian ridgeback, Santino. Let’s get this party started!
“Cupcake” | Photo credit: Kristina Rosinia
“Muffin” | Photo credit: Kristina Rosinia
I enthusiastically prepared the downstairs bathroom as a kitten playground and safe place for their exciting appearance. Kristina arrived with two tortoiseshell kittens in a cat carrier along with tons of valuable necessities to keep us well-stocked until she returned from her travels. I remember bright as day how TINY they were when she let them out to explore their temporary accommodations.
“They are so little, Kristina!” I exclaimed. I had never had a kitten in my life, for my previous cats were adopted as adults.
“Here. Hold them.” she beamed while gently placing them in my arms.
October 1, 2017: Day one in my arms!
To be honest, the next four days were a blur of adoration and affection. I took countless photos and found any excuse to cuddle and play with them. When the time came for Kristina to take them back under foster care, I asked if we could keep Muffin and Cupcake for a few more days. Yep, those were their names from the Anti-Cruelty Society of Chicago.
Segue to my husband’s involvement in our co-foster project. One day, the kittens were playing with Jim in the kitchen while I got busy cleaning their temporary cat condo (aka., the downstairs bathroom). It was then that I heard his soft voice as if he was holding a conversation. Hmmm… I walked quietly through our dining room to peek into the kitchen only to observe him holding Cupcake on his lap.
“You look like a baby mouse. Your new name is Topolina, which means baby mouse in Italian.”
He then placed her tiny body down and proceeded to gently pick up Muffin.
“You look like you’re going to be tough like my Grandma Torelli. Your name is Lucia.”
I cheered with excitement and asked Jim if getting new names meant we can keep them.
“Yeah, yeah.” he said. “They should stay with us.”
Tiny Topolina safe and warm in Jim’s arms. Swoon!
As I looked over the formal adoption paperwork, the noted date of birth burst into my immediate attention: August 21, 2017, which was the date of the solar eclipse. It was also the day Nocella left us. Fate sent us TWO kittens to start to heal the heartache of losing Nocella. She was a small cat with a huge personality. How perfect yet poetic; welcoming these two kittens that were found on the streets of Chicago is meant to be.
Bear cub and baby mouse settling in their new home
Topolina immediately lived up to her name. She sneaks into closets when opened, explores small nooks and crannies, is quiet as a mouse while she fearlessly explores the world around her. It is for this reason that she wears a break-away collar with a bell. We need to hear where baby mouse is at all times so she stays safe. Topolina is also extremely physically affectionate in terms of wanting to sleep as close to us as possible every night. She snuggles her way into our laps with every available opportunity. I’m in heaven!
Topolina goes in for the snuggle
Lucia will not be insulted to wear any form of clothing and earned a separate nickname within the first week post-adoption. We call her bear cub for a few reasons. Reason 1: she looks like a cute little bear with her black and caramel-coated fur coupled with large paws to grow into. Reason 2: Lucia bear hugs everything with her paws. Walking across the room? Boom! In comes Lucia from around the corner to bear hug our ankles. Place a pair of shoes on the floor? Incoming! Lucia pounces on them with all four paws for the tight squeeze. Drop something on the floor? Well, time for a special bear hug.
Bear hug in action: The toilet paper roll had it coming
These endearing sisters have now been in our hearts and home for just over two years. We hope you enjoy reading their upcoming adventures in future blogs, for they are brilliant animal teachers and our little loves that bring us immense joy.
A special thank you to our friend Kristina Rosinia for bringing these two darlings into our lives. She provides excellent dog and cat foster care here in downtown Chicago. We feel beyond lucky each day to have two new feline friends in our midst.
Please share your stories of how feline friends bring a sparkle into your day. How did you decide on their name?
2020 Copyright: Laura Monaco Torelli